The Modding of Isaac Wiki
Rules Card Icon For corresponding page on Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki, see Items.

Items are an integral part of game-play in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. They modify Isaac's attributes, grant or modify tear effects, and much more.

Similar to items are pickups and trinkets.

For a list of which items can potentially appear in a given special room, see Item Pool.

Activated Collectibles[ | ]

Name ID Icon Quote Description Mod
Adam's Apple {{{id}}}
Adam's Apple
The ultimate sacrifice Switches between modes which modify Isaac's stats. Community Remix Remixed
Black Mushroom {{{id}}}
Black Mushroom
1 seconds
What does it do? {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
Book of Despair {{{id}}}
Book of Despair
2 seconds
Temporary tears up {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
Book of Virtues {{{id}}}
Book of Virtues
2 seconds
Reusable holy {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
Max's Paw {{{id}}}
Max's Paw
Damage converter {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
Tammy's Paw {{{id}}}
Tammy's Paw
Tear converter {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
A.V.G.M. {{{id}}}
Get hooked Pays out with a penny or a chance of a random pickup when used twice, then four times, then six, etc. Devil's Harvest

Passive Collectibles[ | ]

Name ID Icon Quote Description Mod
2Spooky 572 2Spooky 4me {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
Adam's Rib {{{id}}} Adam's Rib Thou shall be called 'Familiar' {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
Blood Oath {{{id}}} Blood Oath Your promise {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
Bowl of Tears {{{id}}} Bowl of Tears Where it all went {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
Donkey's Jawbone {{{id}}} Donkey's Jawbone It's mine now {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
Max's Head {{{id}}} Max's Head DMG + Speed up Increases damage by 0.5, and multiplies it by 1.5x. Community Remix Remixed
Max's Tail {{{id}}} Max's Tail Speed = DMG! {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
Pumpkin Mask {{{id}}} Pumpkin Mask Summons a friend. {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
Tammy's Tail {{{id}}} Tammy's Tail Blessed? {{{description}}} Community Remix Remixed
RUN {{{id}}} RUN You feel like you're being choked. Spawns an aura that provides stat ups, but damages the player if they stand in it for too long. Malignant Spirits
Faith Healer {{{id}}} Faith Healer The power of prayer! Eternal Hearts now give their hp up immediately on pickup. A Pocketful of Items
Lil Comrade {{{id}}} Lil Comrade Central Planner Reassigns consumables once you reach the cap. A Pocketful of Items
Mosquito {{{id}}} Mosquito Her babies are hungry Spawns flies which cause bleed. A Pocketful of Items
Thought {{{id}}} Thought Eclipsed by the moon Spawns an orbiting familiar that quadruples tears that pass through it. Thought
Ophiuchus {{{id}}} Ophiuchus Slithering tears Gives the player a +1.5 damage up, and permanent wiggle worm tears. Extra Constellations
Max's Head {{{id}}} Max's Head DMG Up Increases damage by 0.5, and multiplies it by 1.5x. Max's Head

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MainPageModdedObjects Objects MainPageModdedPickups Pickups MainPageModdedPocketItems Pocket Items MainPageModdedRooms Rooms MainPageModdedTransformations Transformations MainPageModdedTrinkets Trinkets MainPageModdedUnlocks Unlockables
Dataminer Icon Mods Round Worm Trio Monster Teams