The Modding of Isaac Wiki
Community Remix Remixed
Community Remix Remixed Mod Icon
Bustin Blotch
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Mod Category TransformationsTransformations 
Mod Category TrinketsTrinkets 
Mod Category UnlockablesUnlockables 
Download (Original mod was deleted.)

Community Remix Remixed is a celebration of the history of Isaac and Isaac modding. It (unofficially) brings back some old forgotten items and concepts, most from Community Remix, and upgrades/expands on them to fit within Rebirth's standards.

Original Mods[ | ]

These mods have been integrated into Community Remix Remixed.

Adam + The Apple[ | ]

  • Added Adam and his starting item, The Apple. The Apple was renamed into Adam's Apple in Remixed.

Max Transformation + Items[ | ]

  • Added the Max Transformation along with some items that contribute toward it. A custom implementation of Max's Head was later remade and implemented into Remixed.

Counterfeit Dollar[ | ]

Lost Cards[ | ]

  • Added the full original set of Lost Cards.

Bloody Feather[ | ]

  • Added the Bloody Feather item, based on Community Remix's Bowl of Tears item. This item was rethemed back into Bowl of Tears in Remixed.

Adam Expansion[ | ]

  • Added a full set of unlocks to Adam for defeating final bosses, just like the default game characters. By doing this it also added new items that aren't based on any Community Remix item, and expanded on the Lost Cards set.
Community Remix Remixed The Apple IconCommunity Remix RemixedCommunity Remix Remixed The Apple Icon
General Unlockables
Characters Adam
Transformations LokiMaxTammy
Items 2SpookyAdam's AppleAdam's RibBlack MushroomBlood OathBook of DespairBook of VirtuesBowl of TearsBox of WiresCool BeanCounterfeit DollarCursed D12Donkey's JawboneEnigma BombEye SoreForbidden SeedFortune CookieIt HurtsMax's HeadMax's PawMax's TailMortal CoilMucormycosisPlaydough CookiePumpkin MaskSacred Fig LeafSinner's ScarsSnake EyesSoul ScriptSulfurTammy's PawTammy's TailThe SoapThe Socks
Trinkets Game SquidHeartacheInsane PendantLost DeckNoxious FangPutrid GlandSoul PennyThe Jaw BreakerThe Pen
Cards I - The ColdII - The ServantIII - WisdomIV - RepentanceV - EternityVI - CorruptionVII - ImmolationVIII - WorshipIX - HavocX - The RitualXI - DexterityXII - ExtremityXIII - The ChaliceXIV - Reminiscence
Pickups HeartsSpikier ChestApples
Monsters Ball of FliesCastStone-FacedStray
Challenges Samson's Jawbone